Ecosystem-based marine spatial planning; developments globally, and in the Northeast Atlantic
Erik Olsen  1@  
1 : Institute of Marine Research  (IMR)  -  Site web
PB 1870 Nordnes N-5817 Bergen -  Norvège

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is seen as a practical way to implement marine ecosystem-based management. Development varies globally, with Europe and Australia in the lead. The U.S. is lacking integration between legislation and executive levels and is lagging behind in development, but some regions, e.g. the Northeast and the Pacific states, are forging ahead with regional planning efforts. Research projects and UN institutions like UNESCO have developed guidance both to develop the science base for MSP and plan development. Norway was an early implementer of MSP, with integrated management plans in place since 2006. Three regional plans have been implemented in Norway, two of which have been revised. The Norwegian experiences show the importance of political leadership, buy in and integration across sectors and between government levels in successful EBM and MSP.

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